Bored with the non-event between Chelsea Reserves and Manure Reserves last night, I started to thumb through the recent Sunday Times Rich List and then went and got the Drumaville proposal out
of the file.
Drumaville bought the club for £10,012,275 which, even with our debt which is itself covered by the property valuation, seems a snip in comparison with the sort of figures being bandied around at the moment by alleged bidders for other clubs, even Leeds for heaven’s sake, who do not own their grounds.
Only three of the eight consortium members appear in the Rich List.
Of these Patrick Kelly put the most (£2.363m) into the consortium and is reckoned to be worth £67m.
Patrick Byrne and Louis Fitzgerald each put £1.182m into Drumaville and are reckoned to be worth £40m (half share, I presume, with his brother of £80m) and £85m respectively.
That’s a total of £192m without the other five members! Mere pocket money at least to these three! And, it seems an incredibly good bit of business.
Roy Keane is reckoned to be worth £36m.
Incidentally, Uncle Bob no longer appears in the Rich List which means he is now assessed as worth less that £70m.
* Ian Todd, pictured above, is the founder of the London and Southern England branch of the Sunderland AFC Supporters’ Association. Anyone who qualifies geographically – and I do in the south of France, presumably because it is my nearest branch! – should write to him at SAFCSA Membership, 8 Wyke Close, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 5PE