Hutch’s Patch: how SAFC fared at Tottenham, in one word apiece

Jake: Rob's a man of few words
Jake: Rob’s a man of few words

Rob Hutchison declares:‘3-5-2 delivers the same result. Sort the system out and it sorts the season out.’ Then he delivers his one-word verdicts on the Lads, proving himself a much kinder judge of Danny Graham than was Keir Bradwell but using the same adjective for three of what would usually have been the back four and a slightly harsher one for the fourth. Rob omitted Will Buckley so M Salut has guessed at that one …

Pants 8 consistent

Brown 6 pressured

Jos 6 pressured

Sant 6 pressured

Pva 5 ok

Jones 5

Rodwell 6 stretched

Johnson 6 grafted

Larsson 7 canny

Defoe 7

Fletcher 6 patchy


Wickham 7 bothersome

Graham 6 tried

Bucks 5 Late

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