Pete Lashley* is one of ours. He’s a lifelong Sunderland supporter, born away from the North East but from solid red and white stock. He’s also a singer/songwriter who defies easy compartmentalisation. Just when you think he’s a folk singer, he covers Led Zeppelin, Kate Bush and Bruce Springsteen or plays the William Tell Overture, Greensleeves and Bach’s Jesu Joy Of Man’s Desiring on guitar.
His new album, Magic Corner, has a song inspired by and called Gladstone Street, close to where Monsieur Salut parks. There’s a clip below and a quick look at https://www.youtube.com/user/petelashley takes you to more of his work. It seemed a good idea to chat to Pete about his music and, of course, the Lads. A CD is on its way to Pete Sixsmith, who promises to descend from his Soapbox one day soon to assume another of his roles, that of record reviewer …