Do they mean us? Ready to Go readers’ verdict on Salut! Sunderland

Jake takes the jibe to heart and prepares to offer his services to  small club in Madrid
Jake takes the jibe to heart and prepares to offer his services to a small club in Madrid

The saying about glass houses
and stones hurtles into mind. Salut! Sunderland writers dish out criticism when they feel it is appropriate, so we must expect brickbats to be tossed our way, too.

I chanced upon a Ready to Go discussion on the merits and otherwise of sites/blogs related to Sunderland AFC. The usual dismay that some SAFC fans are simply unaware we exist soon gave way, by turn, to pride when praise was offered, disappointment when we were given short shrift.

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Song of the Day on tour: Republica … Ready to Go

For some weeks, Salut! Sunderland‘s music offshoot Salut! Live has been running a Song of the Day feature.

Regular readers will know of the folk and folk-rock passions of M Salut and will therefore be inclined to read no further unless they share them. However, today’s choice – a long way removed from either genre – has impeccable Sunderland AFC credentials. So it gets two platforms today: a slot on each site.

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More tributes to Dave Lish

Many Salut! Sunderland
readers have seen Pete Sixsmith’s warm tribute to Dave Lish, the SAFC fan who died suddenly on Nov 22.

Dave and Pete were chatting as usual at the Arsenal game the day before, when there was nothing to suggest Dave was other than in good shape and excellent spirits.

Following our obituary, a lot of other people have now added their own thoughts on Dave and these deserve to be repeated.

In particular, mention at Ready to Go of what Pete wrote has prompted a few more to offer sympathy and homage.

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