Monsieur Salut writes: it reads like an open letter and comes from Tom Lynn, a familiar figure at Sunderland games home and away as well as being the man who edited a much-missed fanzine The Wearside Roar. The sentiments are intended for ‘Brian’.
Someone whose e-mail address does appear to belong to a Brian has been writing quite regularly to Salut! Sunderland with relentlessly hostile thoughts on the new regime.
As I have said repeatedly about controversial contributors, people are fully entitled to express strong views at this site provided this is done with decency and within the laws for defamation.
Who or what is Brian? The Salut! Sunderland jury is out, but inclined to convict. A majority suspect a closet Mag. I am still not sur,e though the short correspondence I had with the owner the e-mail address in question did nothing to challenge that majority assumption.
The latest outburst from ‘Brian’ appeared as a comment on the second part of our Charlie Methven interview. The comment dismisses Stewart Donald/Charlie and Jack Ross as the ‘three amigos’ and you can see it in full at this link. Here is Tom’s response ….
Tom Lynn
Sunderland, West Ham and Moyes. Sixer takes on Marco
It might be an exaggeration to say that pouring over the misfortunes of Sunderland AFC, and its sod-the-press-I-only-do-tame-inhouse-interviews owner, has become an international sport. But it’s certainly keeping the media busy.
BBC Radio Newcastle’s Total Sport programme had the benefit of our Pete Sixsmith’s wisdom last night. He spoke gloomily about our immediate prospects – he fears another relegation – and holds David Moyes to no small extent culpable for our present malaise.
The Wearside Roar: a challenge to lazy pundits predicting the drop
Monsieur Salut has been badgering Tom Lynn for as long as he can remember to write for Salut! Sunderland. He does, often, but only in comments, the quality of which is always from the top drawer. So to further the process of arm-twisting, and remembering Tom (when he ran the excellent, much-missed magazine The Wearside Roar) was once M Salut’s editor, we promote this, his latest comment to proper article status. Ha’way Tom, join the team …
Salut! Sunderland podcast: the case for Connor, the decline of Seb
Even in the Luddite bowels of the anatomy of Salut! Sunderland there is general agreement – in so far as bowels can do something like agree – that the newly introduced podcast is A Good Thing.
Stephen Goldsmith and Gareth Barker have toiled long and hard to bring you this added dimension to the amazing service contributors to this site provide (said an unbiased onlooker).
Ha’way, haway the flags – in time for the Mags
Today, we draw attention to an intriguing new project with the clear target of having something to show for its efforts before noon on Jan 16, when Sunderland AFC must address the small matter of avenging the 5-1 defeat at St James’ Park ….
Still we can’t beat Everton. A good game, in which we had an excellent spell after their opening goal but could hardly complain about the final result. Pete Sixsmith’s considered view will doubtless appear before too long.
But to what extent can the fervour of the crowd spur on a team to greater things? The correct answer, probably, is not always but sometimes.
Pre-match build-ups, with entertainment on the pitch and distraction to be had in the pub or concourse, have certainly produced a more subdued atmosphere in the half-hour before kickoff at the Stadium of Light than I recall from Roker Park.
Last night, our crowd seemed from TV coverage to be in good heart and voice. It’s a two-way process. The players were doing pretty well, challenging seriously good opponents and showing themselves capable of winning; the fans responded as you’d hope.
But anything that lifts the levels of passion and enthusiasm even further – and has the potential to give the players that extra psychological boost that makes the difference between 2-2 and 3-2 – is to be welcomed, and that is why Salut! Sunderland is giving a bit of plug to the Haway the Flags project.