Each week, when we remember that is, Salut! Sunderland gives the busy, occasional visitor a taste of what he or she may have missed. Just because Sunderland weren’t playing last week, it doesn’t mean we weren’t still looking for ways of keeping interest alive. This is a glimpse at what we thought worth talking about …
A £46 price tag for a frankly rotten seat in a doomed stadium to watch, for us, a meaningless – but final – game: fair or rip-off?
Salut! Sunderland is in no doubt as to the answer to that question. Mr Sullivan and Mr Gold may even know what we think, since our discussion on whether SAFC supporters should boycott to game has featured at Hammers fan sites, too.
Read what we – and, in reply, some Hammers as well as Sunderland fans – had to say by clicking here.
And follow the same drill for the other highlights of Salut! Sunderland‘s week by clicking on each sub-heading if you want to see the full posting:
* Steve Bruce, racism and The Sun that doesn’t shine
Steve Bruce can fight his own corner. Tabloid – and not just tabloid – headlines turned some daft comments by Marcos Angeleri into a “race row”, indeed a “second race storm”. Steve may sue. One paper that ran such a headline has been banned from the SoL. Salut! Sunderland had the perfect solution.
* Hopping mad for proper football
I mentioned elsewhere this week that Pete Sixsmith’s passion for non-league football shines through everything he writes here about the various games he attends up and down the country. Last weekend being internationals, he took himself off on a grand ground-hopping tour.

* Man City v Sunderland: idolised Bert Trautmann, still hate United
And let’s not forget we have a game on tomorrow. A bloody difficult one, too. Peter Kelly, lifelong Man City fan, provided the opposing supporter’s perspective. A great read it was, too.
There was, as usual, much more besides. Glorious failure for Sunderland Lasses, Pete Sixsmith at the Reserves’ game v WBA seeing Frazier Campbell score on his welcome return from injury, me wittering on about the new French away top, our Lads doing well in their international appearances. Just navigate the site, especially the sidebar columns, and see if there is anything that appeals …