Let me remind everyone that this competition has a deadline of midnight tomorrow, April 30.
See details below of how to enter. It’s a dead easy World Cup question and the winner, chosen from correct answers at random, will receive a selection of England-related goodies from the JD Sports England people, to be found at http://www.jdsports.co.uk/page/england-football/
This is what they are offering. It’s a bit like what Charlie Buchan’s Football Monthly programme adverts used to call Bumper Bundles:
· The England World Cup shirt (your choice of home or away in your size)
· massive England flag
· English Biscuits
· Proper English Tea
· Some Strawberries and Cream sweets.
What more could you ask for, except maybe maximum points from Sunderland’s remaining fixtures and none for anyone else?
Here’s the question:
Why does Tofiq Bahramov have a footnote in World Cup history?
Told you it would be easy. Just send your reply to salutsunderland@gmail.com. We’ll do the rest.
Monsieur Salut shall have the final say on whether the form of words chosen for each reply constitutes a valid, correct answer. The winner will be chosen at random from all correct answers received. The deadline is midnight GMT on April 30.