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Who fancies France this summer? By that, I don’t mean who reckons the host country will win the tournament, which is possible if unlikely, but whether you’d like to be there yourself, which this competition also makes possible.
If a Salut! Sunderland reader were to win this competition, and embark (with friend or relative) on a 12-day trip across the Channel to see some of the action, Monsieur Salut would be delighted to meet up and buy them a drink should paths meet.
But it is pleasing in any case to announce a competition with real prizes (not just mug-sized ones with restrictions on how to win them).
This is the place to go for a chance from Titanbet to follow the national team of your choice in France this summer.
The hashtag to use when getting involved is #TitanbetTrip and to become eligible, you should interact with Titanbet’s social media pages, “liking” its Facebook page and sharing its posts about the sweepstakes while, at the same time, following Titanbet on Twitter and retweeeting its message inviting entries.
The winner will be sent by Titanbet, with one travelling companion of his or her choice, to see the football action in France “where your job is to follow your national team and cover the atmosphere around you”. Transport, accommodation and an allowance are thrown in, the trip lasts 12 days and there are runner-up prizes includes 55” LED TVs, “Beer & Bets” packages and more.
Any questions should be answered by visiting http://www.titanbet.co.uk/titanbet-trip.html. This will tell you more accurately and in more detail how to enter. Our thanks to Titanbet.co.uk – “staff live and breathe sport, and their mission is to offer UK-based sports enthusiasts a top of the line sports betting experience” – for including Salut! Sunderland in the participating sites.