Beating fellow strugglers is a start, not a transformation. But Sunderland fans can allow themselves a huge sigh of relief this morning – and dare to hope that the corner has been turned at last …
Salut! Sunderland is tucking into some humble pie with nothing short of relish.
We demanded nothing less than a win and got one. We hoped the victory would be convincing and it was – see this link. We admitted for the first time that yet another failure, even a draw, would raise questions about Steve Bruce’s managership. And that failure didn’t materialise.
Well, one thumping win does not mean everything is fine. There remains much to do. Our fear was that if it didn’t come last night, against the only team we’ve managed to beat away from home, it was hard to see where it might come at all.
The team delivered. Bruce is entitled to take credit for winning displays just as he has to accept the brickbats for the woeful performances we have seen all too often this season.
Pete Sixsmith will have plenty to say in his match report, which is keenly awaited.
For now, it is enough to salute a highly impressive result, applaud Fraizer Campbell for getting the victory on its way and so early, admire Darren Bent for producing a hat-trick just when it was most needed and recognise Bruce’s right to feel the vindication starts here.
Colin Randall
After the torture of the last 100 days the sun finally rose, many may be cautious it is a false dawn but such a convincing victory and display is what was required. Since the dizzy height reached early season we have experienced a drought and to be honest if it wasn’t for the lack of quality of the teams below us we would be in dire straits. A lesson needs to be learnt, the team lacked confidence but let’s be honest, we have the players to make a good team, the back 4 individually are reasonable collectively they can be hopeless WHY?. The midfield is industrious and aggresive but have missed Reid and his creativity the forwards are as good as any in the league. Bruce will get it right he has been through a hard time and last night looked as if he was going to have a wobbler at any minute. We have great fans a good owner and fair players lets hope Bruce can take us forward
Congratulations to Sunderland. You just feared Bolton, as you put it last Saturday. You won’t fear them anymore, I still hate them.