An invitation to supporters of the three teams promoted to the Premier League …
First of all, welcome to the Premier.
Don’t be intimidated by our 10th top finishing place. It was a decent achievement in itself but we went through a phase, as we tend to do most seasons in the top flight, when it was by no means certain we’d be playing you next season.
Now that we are all in it together, welcome also to Salut! Sunderland. Before each Sunderland game, we include in the build-up here an interview with a supporter of the opposing side.
The search for candidates is a mixture of aiming high for celebs and settling for whoever we can get as the day of the match approaches with no one yet on board (or someone on board but fast asleep on the deck, having forgotten all about the promise to answer our questions).
Somehow we get there in the end. One match against Stoke City a couple of years ago was a notorious exception.
During the 2010-2011 campaign, other volunteers included the editor of The Daily Telegraph (a West Ham supporter, so he won’t be back for at least a year unless we draw them again in one of the cups); the Arsenal-daft writer and broadcaster Tom Watt, the actress Pauline McLynn (a Villa fan), the BBC tennis commentator David Law (WBA), the football treasure that is Jimmy Armfield (Blackpool), the former Newcastle United striker Mick Quinn (Liverpool), a host of writers and fan site owners and a Birmingham Bluenose by the splendid name of Kevin Ball.
So if you support one of the newly promoted teams, or indeed anyone else we are liable to play, and feel like putting yourself or someone you know up for the Salut! Sunderland questionnaire, use the e-mail link near the top of the page on the right, try colinrandall1@gmail.com or leave a message in the comment field below (making sure to use a genuine e-mail address which will not be seen publicly but is visible to me).
And it is not even as if I am asking for something for nothing. You can plug anything within reason that you wish in the knowledge that your words will be seen by supporters of Sunderland and your own club alike – and you may even win a prize in the end-of-sason Who are You? awards.
Prizes should be heading soon towards our three 2010-2011 winners. Click on any name to see what they made of our questions:
1 Tom Watt (Arsenal) wins a year’s subscription to When Saturday Comes, which claims only to be half-decent but is better.
2 Peter Kelly (Man City) wins vouchers to spend in the WSC online shop
3 Andy Nicholls (Wolves) wins a copy of the excellent book of black and white photographs, Football: the golden age
Hi ,
I am a Canary fan of lon standing and confess to having a softspot for SAFC and am more than happy to contribute if required.
Hmm, don’t know about the strongest, but certainly the most interesting for a while. QPR need to look at their prices if we are to take a big following there and couldn’t Swansea and Norwich move to Sheffield so we don’t have to travel so far? There’s no worthwhile football in the Steel City at the moment!!!
we are now building our website for norwich city fans .
i have a few friends up north who are sunderland fans .
great bunch of lads ..
look forward to playing you ..
more than happy to work with you .
Welcome to the PL to all fans of QPR, Norwich and Swansea. I’m looking forward to some great contests next season. This is possibly the strongest three teams coming up at the same time for several seasons.
Thanks everyone . I will be in touch soon.
Hi Salut! Sunderland, presumably, Colin,
I’m a QPR supporter, have been for over 40 years, and am keen to complete your Salut! Sunderland questionnaire for the coming new season, it’s great to be back.
I started a website up a year ago as a hobby of mine, aimed at discerning football supporters visiting away grounds, which has changed a bit in its emphasis since. It’s at http://www.beer-meister.co.uk and was primarily aimed at finding pubs selling decent ales, preferably no keg beers, near away grounds, places where there would only be good cheer, maybe good food and banter, and definitely no trouble.
Please feel free to get back to me, you can email me direct from the home page on the site. Whatever, have a look at the site, I’m going to have to do a bit more research now we’re back…
Hi There
I am happy to do this for Swansea City if needed
I’m a Swansea fan willing to complete the questionnaire
Hi, to Sunderland for the invitation and welcome, the fixtures come out soon so will know when we are due to visit, would luv to answer any pre-match questions for your website when we meet, see you all soon, mark superhoop.
Comments are welcome whoever you support but may be delayed prior to publication, if you have not posted before. This is principally a result of the spam filters without which the replies would offer you everything from dodgy loans and sure-to-fall-down garden fencing to products promising to restore your hair or love lives.