Time to show off Jake’s FA Cup taster – and to encourage Salut! Sunderland readers to help a Mackemoiselle in search of modest charity sponsorship …
Everton is a delight, we hope, to come. For now, things are quiet. No more unintentional riling of sensitive Leeds supporters just yet, no need for further reflection on SAFC 1 Liverpool 0. But there is an important item of business to share.
Sheila Webster, whose Facebook moniker (Sheila Webster Was Gibson) could be the title and theme of a novelette, is a Sunderland supporter whose thoughts have appeared here and, more often, at the Blackcats e-mail list to which some of you belong. She is also an indefatigable (easier to write than pronounce) charity fund-raiser.

Which brings us to news of Sheila’s latest venture in a good cause. I will pass the story-telling baton to her:
Sadly I lost my lovely Sunderland-mad cousin Geordie Vincent on 10th February 2012, at the age of just 56, after a long and hard fought battle against prostate cancer…
Me and three other lovely lasses are literally taking the plunge … a one mile open swim in Lake Windermere on 23rd June 2012 – all monies raised going to MacMillan Care and Support. We’ve called ourselves Team 3 Degrees, as this could well be the temperature for the swim. Hence we need to don wet suits for the event!
It’s not the first time I have raised money for MacMillan – the first time I did a sponsored event – was in memory of a lovely overseas Blackcat – Karl Hugill, who passed away, also a victim of cancer, in 2004. I abseiled from the roof of the South Stand at the Stadium of Light raising over £300 for the charity.
More recently in 2008, Blackcats learned of another tragic and untimely death – Dave Hillam, from a stroke – and I (second correct use of literally) got on my bike to raise much needed funds for the Stroke Association – cycling from Tynemouth to Gateshead and back, raising over £1,000 in the process…
Join the Salut! Sunderland Facebook group – click anywhere along this line
And follow us on Twitter: @salutsunderland … click along this lineAlthough I’m not as active a member as I was of the Blackcats mailing list, being a Mammy these days to a very active toddler, I still read up and contribute now and again. And the responses I’ve had to my fund-raising projects in the past have be overwhelming.
Money is tight for everyone at the moment so I’d be delighted if fellow Sunderland fans could pledge just the cost of a pint.
Our Just Giving page is www.justgiving.com/teams/3degrees
Alternatively, or text KSVS49 and your pledge amount to 70070.
Let Salut! Sunderland start this particular ball rolling. Monsieur Salut will raid the somewhat barren larder and fish out a donation – let us say enough to buy a decent round – in the hope that others will follow. When I checked, the pot stood at £1272 (which I think was before we chipped in) so they’re going well.
Continued good luck Sheila … and here’s something to warm you all up when you climb out of the lake: