It was a tiring season. Being any supporter of Sunderland was, at times, exhausting enough. Being Pete Sixsmith, determined to get to every game even if it meant watching a joke team selection at Brighton and truly awful performances at many Premier grounds, was a test of any fan’s commitment and stamina.
The Salut! Sunderland team is not collectively going on summer leave. We’ll continue to do our best to keep you informed or amused. But the service will inevitably slow down.
There’ll be a lot of piffle in the papers, on radio and TV and the internet, about who is going and who is coming. About 96 per cent of it will turn out to be untrue, a mixture of gossip and invention (in which the media are not always the only guilty parties) and wishful thinking. As always, it will take a good reason for us to get involved (the build-up to Jordan Henderson’s transfer was a good example last year).
And there’ll be Euro 2012.
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If you’ve ever wanted to write for Salut! Sunderland, now’s a good time to start. Use the contact link at the top of the home page – https://safc.blog – to offer your ideas and you’ll generally get an encouraging reception.
You’ll be in good company. Salut! Sunderland may often given the impression of being the work of two or three people but the reality is different. Beyond Pete and Jake and Malcolm Dawson is a parade of occasional guest writers; some more prolific than others, some prone to long periods of silence. All are valued but new contributors will be particularly welcome, provided they understand the golden rule – all rewards in heaven.
Choose your own football topic. Some relevance to Sunderland is preferable but there are subjects all supporters find interesting but are not directly related to the club. The world is your oyster …