Saturday began with the prospect of seeing nothing of the game and relying entirely on Pete Sixsmith’s excellent stream of beer/pub assessment, goal updates, occasional comment and final score with the inevitable Sixer’s Seven.
In the event, I found myself installed (by the spending half) in a bar in Juan-les-Pins where a hopeful request to the barman produced live coverage on Canal+. We were already one down and by the end, I almost wished he’d sent me packing.
My prediction of a draw was bold and, as I realised, ridiculously optimistic.
Just before Pete’s first text announcing a goal for City in three minutes, I had wondered whether 4-0 might be more realistic. Unlike Pete and many readers of Salut! Sunderland, I rely on what I can see and hear of games until I am back in England, which will be soon, and can get to a few myself – something the train planners are making just about impossible for the Wear-Tyne derby.
But the point I raise in my latest piece for ESPN is whether in any match so far this season we have looked like imposing ourselves. Take away the League Cup, and even then only the first of the two games, and the answer is not encouraging.
See also: Pete Sixsmith’s incomparable matchday report, taking in our defeat and the ‘best game of rugby’ he’s ever seen … https://safc.blog/2012/10/sixers-soapboxcity-brings-the-blues-old-trafford-provides-the-cure/
Here is how I start today’s item:
All week long, there seemed cause for concern that too many Sunderland supporters were unrealistically upbeat about the chances of pulling off another surprise at Eastlands.
I gingerly suggested a 2-2 draw, so can hardly claim my hands were clean. But a lot of others saw winning as a distinct possibility – a prediction based on bags of romance but virtually no substance.
And here, after floating various thoughts about how a respectably narrow defeat became something of a rout, is how I end it, having moved on to consider a certain game following the international weekend:
Win the Wear-Tyne derby and Sunderland’s season again looks promising. A storming draw we could just about live with. The spectre of defeat should not even be on the agenda and, in the knowledge of how easily such an outcome can shape a season, must be firmly expelled if found lurking at the back of anyone’s mind.
The results at the weekend give neither set of fans much reason to gloat. Pardew thinks Sunderland are better this season than last. We know NUFC have plenty of players capable of posing a threat.
There’ll be plenty to say about the game and its build-up next week. If, in the meantime, anyone feels like commenting – and I realise it is a little early to be getting too worked up – please go to http://soccernet.espn.go.com/blog/_/name/sunderland?cc=5739 and say something there, even if you post your views below.

In 1971, whilst stationed at RAF Masirah in Oman, the forces radio station – Radio 65 – organised a weekend of utter dross entitled “Radio For The Blind”. The radio station set the ball rolling by playing a fairly crap song. You then had to call in, pledge a few pence, and be allowed to nominate the next, hopefully worse song. All proceeds to charity. Believe me when I tell you the whole weekend became a “Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep” orgy. If there’s a worse record in the history of popular music then I’ve yet to hear it. It was by a band (?) named Middle Of The Road. How nice if the road could have been the M6 in the rush hour.
I always wondered what it was that the knights in white sat in. Something nasty I hope. (yes it is “nights” Malcolm) And I just checked out Van’s Ringworm, that’s just old sourpuss having a laugh for a change. I liked it!
Aye I remember Esther & Abi, they were like a budget Sonny & Cher. Awful yes, but The Barstedt knocks them into a cocked hat with his pretentious warblings. You want another so-called great record that’s crap? I give you Knights In White Satin, another sacred cow I’d like to slaughter, ha-ha-ha-ha.
I thought it was “Nights In White Satin”. If it is Knights then I now understand why it’s called the Order of the Garter!
Tiny Tim.
No-one beats TinyTim for having being cursed by the god of crap records.
Not even Esther and Abbie Offerman, if I got their names right
I would hazard a guess it was spelt Esther and Abi Opharim who were Israeli I think.
It never made the charts (was never a single) but the best/worst record I have is an early Van Morrison track called “Ringworm”.
The lyrics go “I can see by the look on your face that you’ve got ringworm. I’m very sorry to say that you’ve got ringworm… etc.”
It looks like anyone looking for sensible football chat here had better try another thread!…..and all because M. Salut went to Juans-le-pins which I always misheard in the song as jouer les pains and thought was some kind of game similar to cricket played with baguettes.
Just too many contenders, Jake, from Honey to Goodbye Norma Jean to boy band dross. But that is still a good candidate.
He was Eden Kane’s brother, ha-ha-ha-ha.
Where Do You Go To My Lovely is (in my opinion) one of the worst records ever made! And that bit when he sings “And you keep it just for fun, for a laugh ha-ha-ha-ha” is without doubt the worst moment in pop history. Peter Barstedt is what I call him!
Didn’t the third brother Robin have a hit with “I’m going overboard with a capital O”? That was pretty dire too.
Sorry Ian SAFC who wants to talk football whilst we all self indulge in early 70s kitsch music.
I think N’cle are a very good team and we’ll have to work hard to get a result out of the game, if our recent games are anything to go by.
We must work hard with energy to close their midfield down and stop people like Ben Arfa and Cabaye playing and getting the ball to Cisse & Ba.
We also MUST get Sess and AJ in the game more. These two are our creative players and will supply Fletcher. AJ has not been able to get in the game yet and thats something we have to, at all costs, work on.
With Lee C out, I fear we have no-one who can battle with Tiote and Ben Afra, and we may lose the game in midfield.
Sorry to say it….
No Napoleon brandy, lips wet or otherwise. Driving, so Coca Zero. Grotesque, even if we’d been playing well
To tone up his even sun tan, no doubt!!!
Did you see Peter Sarstedt at Juan-les-Pins or waas he still asking where did you go to my lovely?
I’m sure M. Salut would have worn his carefully designed topless swimsuit.