The milestone has been and gone. But you have a last chance this weekend to try for a prize in the grand Two Million hits competition … the deadline in midnight (UK time) tomorrow, June 30 …
Salut! Sunderland invited readers to post short, sharp verdicts on the season just gone. But it was not meant as a strict limitation on subject matter so no one will be disqualified because they looked forward or further back than one season. Also, as previously stated, you may try as many entries as you wish while confining each one to a single thought.
I am happy with the standard of entries but would be delighted to see even more before I decide who has won the £200 holiday voucher from Hays Travel and the quality clobber from Philosophy Football. Since no one who helps out around here gets paid, contributors are welcome to enter the competition (and some already have).
Now that the end is in sight, I will relax the previous requirement that all entries should be posted at That remains the logical place for them but entries posted as comments to this article will also be valid.
This was how I described what I was looking for:
Reflect on the season just ended and, whether you support Sunderland or Newcastle United or Boro or none of those, come up with the sentence, phrase or paragraph that seems to sum it up for you. It might be your own thoughts on club, player, manager, fans. It could be someone else’s one-liner that says it all for you. Use any format you choose and by all means make it a question, but limit yourselves to one thought apiece.
Be witty, be clever or get straight and bluntly to the point. I will make arbitrary selections as to the best three posted here. Do not worry if your comment does not appear immediately; there can be short delays for moderation.
And here is a glance at the offerings so far:
* The last 40 years as a Sunderland fan: Sh*t Sandwich.
* There are seasons when I’m glad I live 170 miles away. This is one of them.
* Can someone work out Lee Cattermole’s hourly pay rate as a player and give it to me?
* Never have so few owed so much to so many.
* I’ve heard of “total football” but what they served up this season wasn’t even “partial football”!
* Be careful what you wish for,e.g O’Neill
* It’s been just like watching Brazil nuts.
* I’ve always named my pets after Sunderland players, I’ve a tortoise called Danny Graham’ (pinched from the message board)
* It’s not fair. We keep getting bullied by this big lad. SAFC defenders v Lukaku.
* Salut!Sunderland gets more hits than a Newcastle police-horse.
* That went well…
* Could be worse. At least I’m not a mag
* A draw at WHU then a win at MKDs then it all went wrong.
* Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow………..Sunderland supporters epitaph (inspired from an original idea by W. Shakespeare.
* or Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning…I wish SAFC would make their bloody minds up!
* “I’ve often said there’s nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.” (Ronald Reagan)
* Ever present frustration, ultimate despair, but always the hope and occasional hallelujah moment. I love this club and, more importantly, its supporters.
* The Newcastle French Revolution.Well, a lot of people certainly did lose their heads.
* Martin O’Neill was sacked because of a combination of illness and fatigue. The fans were sick and tired of him. [Apologies to John Ralston ]
* Relegated without Mignolet.
* Let’s campaign to bring in Kevin Phillips for a swansong year before he takes up coaching
* Sunderland 1965-2013 . Plus ca change,plus c’est la meme chose.
* Ben Arfa? At present he’s not even Ben Quarta
* About time premier managers grew some balls and stop handling players with kid gloves, PDC and his methods should be applauded
* Is it possible to have negative cup campaigns ?
* Please go O’Neillio…hey-lo di Canio!
* Highlight of the season had to be the win at St James’ Park…lowpoints…too many to mention, the defeat to Bolton in the cup (I live near too many Reebokkers), the six-one at Villa Park, the failure to neat 10-man Norwich at the SoL…
* A sleepng giant? Newcastle United make Rip van Winkle look like a mere catnapper. ( from the Guardian a few years ago )
* Last season has gone. Look forward with optimism and hope.
* Vaughan goes for the strike…
* Just want all you Make & Take…ems (I think thats right in’it) to know that I fully intend to finish the job I started back in 2008!
* (Mag entry): Well well looks like another exciting season ahead for both cubs. You’ve got a raving lunatic as manager and we’ve got a blithering idiot as football director. I’m afraid both clubs are become jokes in the football world.
* Veni, vidi, vici
* If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future.
If you think you can do better, go ahead in the time that remains …
Enter the great Salut! Sunderland Two Million hits competition.
Join the Salut! Sunderland Facebook group – click anywhere along this line
And follow us on Twitter: @salutsunderland … click along this line

“Life is short. Art long. Opportunity is fleeting. Expierience treacherous. Judgement difficult. Supporting Sunderland unbelievable”
? Geoffrey Chaucer(ish)
There’s only one thing worse than being a Sunderland supporter and that’s not being a Sunderland supporter.
Sunderland ‘Til I Die.
Nailed it Eric!
As I am allowed to enter (and I quite fancy a tee shirt) I turn to the bard for inspiration.
1. The course of true love never did run smooth.
2. How was the winter of our discontent made glorious summer at Sid James’ Park.
3. Martin O’Neill – thy doubts were traitors and made thee lose the good you oft might win by fearing to attempt.
4. We know what we are, but know not what we might be.
Thanks Bill.
Different season, different Board, different manager, different players, same loyal support, same faith, same glass ceiling; bring it on.