With any luck, Salut! Sunderland will be back to normal or something like it very soon.
Sam, our West Ham-supporting web master, a man we hope will be livid at 5pm on Saturday, is working flat out to export the site to a new host (or should that be server? – Monsieur Salut is strictly need-to-know on IT matters).
Please be warned. There will be “downtime”, meaning the site will be inaccessible for what Sam hopes will be a very short time during the work on what he calls the “migration”.
The trouble started, or seemed to start, with the previous server, Linux, doing what it occasionally does, carrying out maintenance work that makes sites impossible to reach. This one was described as a emergency so they presumably did not have time to warn anyone, though in truth warning people is not something they are very good at.
But the estimated “downtime” was two hours and Salut! Sunderland continue to be unviewable all day. I awoke on Saturday to the messy, minimalist version of the site on Saturday and that has persisted. What we like to call “a site better” had become site very much worse.
It turned out to be a problem related specifically to this site. It could be the advertising script recently installed or something to do with the “theme” or design of the site. I wouldn’t necessarily understand if it were explained in terms a 10-year-old child could easily follow.
So Sam, who has been an absolute star in many ways for Salut! Sunderland, recommended a change and that is what should be happening today.
Please bear with us. Normal service will – or at least may – be resumed soon.
Ha’way the Lads and Ha’way Sam but not your team.

As long as I can access the articles ,this basic layout isn’t to bad actually . It fits nicely on my phone screen and theres no infuriating adverts whisking me off to some betting site that’s I’ve no intention of using . The plague of adverts have been so bad in the past that I’ve given up at times . Whether this is down to my phone or the site itself i don’t know , but I certainly don’t miss the adds .
Oh my lord. I do not tweet and I got no Facebook. Seems no more Salut Sunderland.
Make sure he hasn’t fitted one of those bubble machines into the hardware!