Hutch’s Patch: Crystal Palace – big in Saigon

Hutch is speechless: help him with a caption


Rob Hutchison, as most of us know, is a man of relatively few words. His one-word, one-mark ratings after each Sunderland game he attends (mostly the aways) can be caustic and cruel,  or more rarely ecstatic and encouraging. They are always succinct.

He’s struggling for the right words, any words this time, to sum up the poster you see above.

Let Rob, on holiday out east, explain:

“Holidaying around Vietnam for the last couple of weeks has tied in perfectly with no SAFC games. Peace and quiet away from western stresses of potential defeats coupled with marvellous hospitality and stunning restaurants has made it an idyllic fortnight.

Comically, we were greeted with this aberration upon arriving at Saigon (Ho Chi Minh) airport which left me lost for words … maybe some of you can come up with a suitable caption for me?”

Over to the wordier readers of Salut! Sunderland. There may be a mug in it (and the offer extends to any Palace supporter keen on indulging in some suitable gallows humour).

For what it is worth, a basic google translation from Vietnamese says the text accompanying the photos of Andros Townsend, Lee Chung-yong and Yohan Cabaye, two of them old boys of a certain lower-league side, reads “High diving Crystal Palace, English premier League, Ban is a fan” followed by something incomprehensible about “scanning immediately”.

I wonder whether Rob is back for Goodison – and, if he is, what sort of verdicts we can expect as he and his daughter head home from Merseyside.

Colin Randall

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3 thoughts on “Hutch’s Patch: Crystal Palace – big in Saigon”

  1. Your timing is shocking Rob. Here you have an opportunity to get away somewhere you could totally avoid all things SAFC and you pick a blank Saturday…………….

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