Barry Emmerson is a footballing man in the mould of Pete Sixsmith. In other words, he knows his stuff. He told Ellis Short as much when they found themselves answering the calls of nature at the same time at the Stadium of Light recently. Barry modestly suggested he could sort out Sunderland’s troubles and handed the owner his business card. Chances are it will be used only if Mr Short ever needs Barry’s comfortable private-hire limousine rather than to talk football. But let’s hope the owner is an avid reader of Salut! Sunderland and, having parted company with David Moyes, gives some thought to Barry’s views (he has already floated the idea of a Keano-O’Shea dream ticket, though that might require a major act of Irish-American reconciliation …
My understanding is that Ellis Short had conversations with Aitor Karanka, the former Boro manager, a few weeks ago. But please not him.
John O’Shea is the man for me, for the following reasons:
O’Shea has respect of his fellow players he will bring the best out of Borini, his big pal, who could if given the chance prove a replacement through the middle for Defoe.
His pals in the club will get behind him to make sure he doesn’t fail.
His knowledge of the club and his understanding of the fans is also a major plus. He has massive experience both club and international-wise and his contacts, and his own experiences within the game, would I am sure make people want to play for him.
He is a very friendly and amiable man and has the personality to talk to the fans and media in a very positive manner.
He would not cost anything other than a change in his job description and I know that he loves the area and would love to stay at Sunderland even a greatly reduced salary.
Look at the names being put forward and tell me does anyone fit in more than John?
Keane was inexperienced and we all got behind him and look what he did for us.
A new beginning led by a loyal and fine servant to our club and we can go places.
Support me on this and make our voices heard before another massive costly mistake is made.
Jonno for manager. If people agree with me and know how to get this message to the club and fan sites, please do so as I’m not good at that sort of thing.
Martin Bain was CEO of Maccabi Tel Aviv when Jokanovic was manager there. That’s why I mentioned him in a previous post.
The fact that Walter Smith is acting in a consulting role doesn’t give this link any credence. Probably means the club have discounted him because Fulham will demand compensation.
We’ll end up with Avram Grant!!!
Think cheap and available rather than top quality.
Anyone heard of a European consortium lead by an ex player? Iv heard rumours we could be getting bought out soon? However how many of these have we heard? People saying Schwartz hence the reason he has been at club lately.
Big Sam has left Crystal Palace,,,Ellis go get him,hes the one we need but this time give him the money he will need to get us up…..
You’re owed a prize but I cannot contact you as the email address you gave when posting your comments does not seem to exist (they are not seen publicly but show up in the system). write to me at salutsunderland@gmail.com
Absolutely agree JOS needs to move on. Given that he went to Margaret Byrne to get a manager sacked, that’s the type of player power/cliche that needs careful scrutiny.
Might be a nice fella but I have always felt he was lacking as the club captain–no way is he managerial material at this time.
Have to be careful that Bain doesn’t blindside us with his preferred choice/cronyism.
McCoist, with a lot of coaching support, might be OK but not Avram Grant who is looking for work.
My choice is Jokanovic— great job at Fulham and got Watford promoted.
Jokanovic is also my no1 realistic choice. Walter Smith apparently consulting us.. why don’t they ask someone with the club at heart!
Under absolutely no circumstances is John O’Shea the man to move Sunderland forward.
He is a liability as a player, and we finally have the chance to get rid of him now that he is out of contract.
FFS, John O’Shea????? Have a word with yourself.
The man who has been a constant figure in failings at club. No thanks, he’s top of the list for me to get rid. We can keep blaming managers and short but this same group of players have got rid of every manager, under perform then turn it on for a few month under a new boss. My personal opinion there’s a good 5-8 long term players in that squad including oshea need to leave for us to really move on.
Well he surely could not be worse than Moyes.Don’t managers need a coaching badge now though?
Not sure about Borini being our striker,he has been awful this year.I doubt he will be wanted by anyone else so we may have to make do with him in any case.He certainly owes the fans for having us get relegated so he may want to put that right.
Bracewell and Stockdale have not covered themsleves any better either for me.
I’m not overly bothered by who “the man wearing the suit” will be. However I would love to see two fellas stood next to him wearing tracksuits with KP and AR stitched on – Kevin Phillips and Alex Rae.