Forget the conspiracy theories in the Daily Mail’s report on our owners’ intentions.
In fact, while the timing is rotten, the piece itself (as I have said at Twitter) is journalistically legitimate, thorough and reasonably balanced. Read it or ignore it as you wish. For now, just get behind the Lads for the final, utterly crucial game at Wembley this weekend.
Tonight – Thursday – Pete Sixsmith will be on BBC Look North at around d 6.30pm. The interview was done yesterday and is certain to be interesting.
Catch Salut! Live for a review of a new album from Sunderland-based Bill, aka Belinda, Jones. It’s folk in case that is all you need to know to give it a miss. Bill’s son Dom will be at Wembley shouting for the Lads on Sunday.
And finally, for now, readers are invited to put together their thoughts on the season as a whole.
The series will start as soon as the first contributions from regular Salut! Sunderland writers – and not-so-regular ones – arrive. Send them to this e-mail address, and keep them shortish; no more than 600 words, fewer if your main points can be covered succinctly.
As usual, Sixer’s end-of-season review will close the series.
Balanced? Mmmm. Bitter? certainly, and Craig Hope ,one of the ‘journalists’ involved, is a well-known Mag, so as Wrinkly Pete suggests there is much suspicious about the timing and the content. I don’t believe there’s anything new to see in the article but we shall see.
Let’s NOT forget the conspiracy theory. The club’s accounts were submitted weeks ago and that is what the Daily Mail writer is basing his article on. Therefore the timing IS significant and may well be intended to destabilise our build up to Sunday’s final. In that case, let the owners and Jack Ross use it to establish a “siege mentality” within the playing squad. I suspect “Brian” to be behind it somewhere!