For Spurs, Forest and Blades fans too: another side of Andy Reid

With more space, Charlton and Irish fans could have been added to that list. They may also know that Andy Reid has varied gifts and interests. Guitar thieves permitting, he does a decent job on his Gibson. He also plays banjo, writes songs and knows a little about history and politics. This interview supplied to Salut! Sunderland gives a flavour of a man with a life beyond football …

So if Bob Dylan and Michel Platini walked through the door and extended right hands to Andy Reid, which would he shake first?

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Taylor made: Maradona sculptures and Messi frenzies

When the cry went out for help (during Monsieur Salut!’s post-op but continuing incapacity), Bill Taylor took himself off to Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. But he did leave behind smashing reminiscences of Roker Park – which you can see by clicking here – and now answers our plea for some sort of story to go with two of his holiday snaps …

I cannot tell a lie – well, I can but I won’t – this post is being cobbled together at the request of the Salut! Sunderland slavemaster to justify running two photos I sent him from a recent visit to Buenos Aires, one of which has absolutely nothing to do with football but which tickled his fancy. I like a challenge.

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1986 and handing it to Maradona: World Cup memories (6)


Pete Sixsmith dips into his rich memory bank once again and finds himself back in Mexico, for the 1986 World Cup. Read on to discover how one legacy of the tournament had Mr Sixsmith, as teacher turned goalkeeper, picking a World Cup ball out of the net four times …

Twenty years on from the triumph at Wembley, England set off for Mexico thinking that they had a half decent chance. Bryan Robson’s shoulder and Diego Armando Maradona’s hand put an end to that.

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