Just three hours or so to go. Not much to say except Ha’way the Lads. And to lap up some more of Jake’s art and offer, belatedly, a guess-the-score prize.
No mugs on offer tonight – unless you buy one – but there’s still that book, Roker Roars Back by Geoff Storey, and I will send it to the reader who is first to post the correct score for tonight’s game.
As usual, the cut-off point is kickoff time and Monsieur Salut’s decision will be final. So you had better get cracking; there’s not much time left. Rovers entries welcome, but there’s no special non-SAFC prize this time.
Jake, as mentioned the other day, may fall relatively silent once the baby – imminent – arrives. So feast now on some of the images he has conjured for the momentous two weeks to come …
Join the Salut! Sunderland Facebook group – click anywhere along this line
And follow us on Twitter: @salutsunderland … click along this line
Click here for the Martin O’Neill ‘Team of all Talents’ mug: £9.50, post-free for UK buyers, from the Salut! Sunderland Shop
Monsieur Salut
… and no one, needless to say, won.
Bill’s was the last valid entry
2-1 to Sunderland.
1-1 for me, tonight. Game will be a bit of a dog as well I fear.
Sunderland 4-1.
2-2, so not against us, decent point. Ha’way the lads!
4-2 to sunderland – wonder who’ll dare be the first to back against us…?
Was going to go 3-1 – so going 2-0 instead (TO US)
3-1 to Sunderland!
Let me book an optimistic 3-0 to Sunderland …