A great excuse reached me today to remind everyone of the Salut! Sunderland competition in which you are invited to guess the score of tomorrow’s game between Manchester City and Martin O’Neill’s finest.
You can make your pitch in the Comments field below or at the original posting – https://safc.blog/2012/03/can-sunderland-shatter-the-man-city-home-record-just-asking/. Or you can do it at the Salut! Sunderland Facebook group.
Leave it me to work out who has won, but do have a look to see what others have suggested as the final score (at the link above if you are not in the Facebook group; follow this link if you wish to join that group).
But in case anyone was too loyal or too shy to post a thumping City win scoreline or any City win at all (as if their home record made that remotely likely), consider this exchange at the Blackcats email list today:
Aguero out: we need all the help we can get – wonder if that means Tevez will start? —
Andy (‘dreading tomorrow – 3pm onwards that is’):
Balotelli and Dzeko I would have thought with Tevez coming off the bench to complete the rout later on…
Over to you, MON, Sess, Turner, Mignolet, Catts et al to make such pessimism seem misplaced … I like Kingshirker’s idea at the original posting: 3-4. But then I would …
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6-0 to City if Kyrgiakos plays Eric. I think Salut was looking for a full time prediction, not the score line at quarter past three.
I’ll stick to my original nowts each but 6-0 to City if the Greek fella plays.