John McCormick writes: The Met Office forecast a shower at the SoL this afternoon. That’s one way of describing our captain, not to mention some others. But is there any sunshine coming? Perhaps not, if the manager’s personal e-mail to M Salut is anything to go by, but all we can do, as he suggests, is wait and see:

Dear Colin,
It’s a difficult game to reflect on because up until the goal we were in total control and then the mistake changed the game completely.
We were excellent in the opening stages without being able to hit the target; that’s something we’ve been missing.
Normally the teams at the bottom do miss that quality – the last shot, the last pass, the last decision and we paid the price today because there are games when you need to take advantage when you are on top.
Anytime, anyone can make a mistake and unfortunately today it was against us.
It’s up to the players, they are on the pitch – it’s about characters now, we’ll wait and see.
All the best,
Gus Poyet
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