Roll up for the great Salut! Sunderland Guess the Score ahead of the visit to the only ground in the world that’s quieter than the Library, aka Highbury.
OK, cheap, baseless jibes over. Have a go at getting the result of Saturday’s game right, between now and kickoff. Monsieur Salut wishes he could offer a League Cup final ticket but does think he can stretch to a mug. Again, patience please from those still waiting for theirs; been a bit hectic one way or the other but will get round to them.
And hail Paul Dobson, the source of enough noise at games to make even the Emirates seem lively. Paul- Sobs to most who know him, including here and at ALS – has won the great Campo Retro competition and now awaits an appropriate Sudnerland top from them.
It wasn’t Guess the Score but Guess the Scorer.
With formidable brainpower, and a memory that Leslie Welch would have given his right arm for, Sobs correctly identified Niall Quinn as Sunderland’s first scorer in the heartbreaking promotion playoff final against Charlton in 1998. More than 100 readers entered and his was the correct reply chosen at random – I imagine the pass rate was 99 per cent or higher.
Campo Retro, who sponsored our win-a shirt competition. Click the image to visit their site.
Will it change his life?
“Yes, without a doubt Colin” Sobs tells me at Facebook. “I’ll have another Sunderland shirt, and it’ll be going to Wembley if it arrives in time.”
Which one did he choose? – “1978 home top. I have all the others apart from ’80 away.”
Bravo, Paul. Now you can revert to this competition and guess Saturday’s score.
Arsenal fans are also invited to take part. A Gooner who wins would receive a mug with modified design.
Ha’way the Lads …
And catch the Arsenal vs SAFC ‘Who are You?’ at https://safc.blog/2014/02/arsenal-vs-sunderland-who-are-you-post-bayern-fa-cup-final-warm-up/
Salut! Sunderland: Hillsborough 1973; Bergkamp’s goal in a Roker Park cup match; the bizarre game at Highbury when Paul Danson reffed like a Gooner and the 11 v 9 game was played almost exclusively in our half; the returning Thierry Henry’s winner. Which past clashes with Sunderland, home or away, stick out in the memory?Brad Smith, creator of ArsenalView.com: The first game of the season when Vieira was wrongly sent off, don’t remember the season. 2002 maybe? Think we lost 1-0 ( (2000, and you did – ed).

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Fancy leaving a comment? Not sure what you have to say fits this post? Go to the new feature – https://safc.blog/2013/07/salut-sunderland-the-way-it-is/ – and say it there.
Eric great minds think alike………..Gunners 1 – 2 SAFC, a repeat of the 1973 FA Cup game……what would Arsenal give for a Charlie George now!
2 – 1 for a totally unexpected away win, and to shut up Charlie Nickerless on SSN
I fancy a backs to the wall draw 0-0
Come back from 2-0 down to win 3-2. Nurse, bring that medication! And yes, I am ineligible so 3-2 to the Lads remains open
I think this will be a hard earned draw 1-1
Let’s go for 1-0 Sunderland, probably a Borini thunderbolt a as our away from continues to impress