A spot of fun for this potentially decisive day.
Cast your minds back to the night of April 27 2007 and the closing stages of the Championship-winning season under Roy Keane. Burnley were the visitors and 44,448 were inside the Stadium of Light.,
Went ahead through Daryl Murphy, missed a penalty, slumped to 1-2, fought back to 2-2 when the penalty culprit, David Connolly, stepped up take another and made amends.
And then this happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhq5ao1CnCY
The clip can no longer be embedded. Just follow the link, click to skip the ad when invited to (after five
seconds), watch how Cartlos Edwards completed a sweeping end-to-end move and listen to Simon Crabtree’s priceless commentary.
That win took Sunderland top, where they stayed, finishing the season in style with the memorable 5-0 win at Luton.
Gus Poyet could do worse than get the players together a little early before tonight’s game and play them the clip over and again.

One of my all time favourite moments; almost on a par with Vic and Billy against City in 73. I wonder if Gus will be as calm as Roy Keane was if we score a similar one tonight?
Let’s get it right tonight, lads!!!
One of the great goals we have seen at SOL,and rare that is wasn’t one from Kevin Phillips.
I recall being in a daze for a few days after that blinder.He surely never scored a better one.I see he is now at Milwall……poor lad.
I do not think we need any inspiration from that though,seeing as we have seen off Chelsea and Man Utd on their own turf…what better gee up could you have?
Though in this topsy turvey season anything is possible with this schizophrenic squad of players
I watched this in the Malmia Bar, Protaras, Cyprus in the company of a Derby fan who would have preferred a Burnley win. Everything looked to be “typical Sunderland” until this rocket. I set off on a high speed triple lap of the bar knocking over several pints. I then floated off to where my wife and young son were playing bingo to be informed they had won £150. Happy Days.
Tonight is a night when we need to stand up and be counted, no giving in, no ego’s just get on with the job thinking we don’t have another chance. Leave nothing in the locker!!