An extraordinary league season is over. Time to turn our thoughts to the World Cup, which opens at the Arena de São Paulo on June 12 when Brazil play Croatia and ends with the July 13 final at the Estádio do Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro.
Sunderland have very little direct interest this time. Sweden, the Irish Republic and Scotland – countries that would have taken our players to Brazil – are not involved. Adam Johnson failed to make the England squad, there was no place for our men, borrowed or bought, in the Argentina, Spanish, Greek or Italian squads.
Which leaves Jozy Altidore, who desperately needs a good World Cup with the United States to rebuild self-confidence after his dismal season, and Ki Sung-Yeung who is not even our player. Have I missed anyone?
Salut! Sunderland‘s coverage of the tournament will depend on you, the contributors and readers. Pete Sixsmith has already come up with an idea; others will doubtless follow.
Should we adopt a team, as we did in 2010 when it seemed appropriate to follow Paraguay because of their colours and the presence of Sunderland players? Most of us want England to do well but is there some other country we’d like to prosper? We could keep faith with Jozy and root for the USMNT, support South Korea for Ki, shout for Poyet’s Uruguay. Share your thoughts.
Our friends at Campo Retro have just launched their range of World Cup clobber, an example of which you see above and immediately below …
Since they are among our Who are You? annual awards sponsors – results coming soon – I am happy to mention it. Check out the entire range at http://www.camporetro.com/Shop-By-Collection/The-Brazil-14-Collection.
And don’t forget to see our Wembley and Bust Safe series at href=”https://safc.blog/category/wembley-and-safe/.

I shall be mildly encouraging Greece from my sofa on account of how the younger brother lives there. Play up you Hellenes.
Don’t tell Di Fanti about the three legged dog, Jake. He’ll have some poor sod sign it up as a centre forward!!!
It’s the Cloggies for me.
Chile. Some cracking players in there and I fancy them to do really, really well.
I know they’re in England’s group but it has to be Uruguay. Apart from the Gus connection, the country has the most eccentric, lovable, and downright nicest president in the world. José Mujica donates 90% of his salary to charity, drives a knackered old VW Beetle, and lives on a farm with his wife and three legged dog.