More midsummer madness. has had some fun with quickfire Q+As, posting the resulting clips at YouTube.
Here – broadly speaking, not word-for word (some answers were slightly unclear) – is what Danny Graham, clearly speaking just after his deflected goal set Sunderland on the path to victory at Goodison, made of his questions. See the whole clip – you’ll hear his answers to a couple of other questions (best player played with, best advice given – neither answer Sunderland-related). He seems a decent lad …
Best match played in?
I have to say Everton – to get me first goal and win …at this stage of the season, I’d have to say Everton
Fastest player played with?
Nathan Dyer at Swansea. Absolutely rapid
Steve Fletcher by far, the slowest man I’ve ever seen
Costel Pantilimon, by far the worst gear in football
It’s got to be the flame top, the white one with flames up it. Embarrassing
Biggest joker?
For me Wes Brown, always joking around, always trying to get people’s spirits up
Most intelligent player played with?
At the club, I’d probably say Duncan Watmore. He’s doing a degree and he’s got his final exams coming up
Least intelligent?
Fletch again is up there … Connor, there’s a good few and I’d probably put myself in there, too
Agreed Malcolm. A more important goal than any of the others we’ve mentioned.
I raise you a Patrice Carteron
But his was memorable!
Old Git Corner: we used to think Andy Kerr was a failure but Wikipedia says he scored five in 18 appearances and I must have seen (and forgotten) most of them.
Cec Irwin I seen score, don’t think Len Ashurst netted
Len Ashurst scored 4 goals for Sunderland in 400 plus appearances.
One of his predecessors, Arthur Hudgell [ very good fullback in the 1950’s ] played in 260 league games and never scored.
John, can you add Jon Stead and Lilian Laslandes though?
I saw both those players score for us and Carsten Fredgaard, Rade Prica, Andy Gray and David Bellion.
There must be others I can add to the litany of rubbish players we have signed over the years but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind and if I try looking up others it will only depress me.
But I’ll come clean – I wasn’t at Everton to witness DG score his wonder goal.
I saw Danny Graham’s goal.
I also saw Dick Malone score.
that must make me one of a few.