VOTE for Salut! Sunderland at this link: http://www.footballbloggingawards.co.uk/vote-now/
At the last count 2,917,743 people had visited Salut! Sunderland since it was launched at the start of 2007.
Correction: we’ve had that many hits, which does not of course mean individual visitors. Unless everyone who ever came here stomped off after the first look and kept a promise never to return, the 2.9m must be divided quite a lot to arrive at the true number.
Still, it’s not a bad achievement for a piddling fan site that only sometimes aspires to be much more and never has the resources – time and money included – to aim much higher. It also means a minor celebration – 3m hits – is not far away.
On the basis that we may be getting something right at least some of the time, Salut! Sunderland invites you to vote for this site in the annual Football Blogging Awards. The site is not just the work of some old sectioned hack who divides his time between the south of France and London; it could not function without the sterling efforts of Pete Sixsmith, Malcolm Dawson, John McCormick, Jake and a host of contributors whose names are known to most of you and whose work is highly valued by the loose collective that is Salut!
I am quite sure we won’t actually get anywhere in the awards scheme. But it would be heartening to know a few of you had taken the trouble – if you think we’re a deserving case – to vote. Salut! Sunderland qualifies for your support in two categories: best established football blog and best football club blog.
A big vote of confidence would be mightily appreciated … cast your votes at http://www.footballbloggingawards.co.uk/vote-now/.

You deserve it, in my view.
You are my favourite SAFC related website. Entertaining, amusing, witty and you even use long words on occasion.