Paul Summerside offers another dollop of his usual upbeatery, though he has also been given to moments of doubt, to explain succinctly why Sunderland will beat Hull City and stop us all looking up road maps to Bristol, Barnsley and Burton for next season (truth be told, he’s as nervous as the rest of us) …
Absolutely nailed-on three-nil Sunderland win.
Now you’ve picked yourself up off the ground, I’ll outline my three reasons for this seemingly outlandish prediction.
* Momentum … although not a stat, it is a massively important part of any team’s performance. After better performances recently culminating in our first win, we are definitely moving forward
** Jermain Defoe … no explanation needed
*** The fervent SOL crowd… when fired up are second to none. I get the feeling talking to fans/friends that we’ve had enough of being “beaten with a stick” by the media recently. We’re gonna get behind the lads from minute one and be the 12th man we need at present
So, there you have it, a three point plan for a 3-0 win. It worked for Remain and Clinton so why not for us … (and no, Paul won’t forgive the Editor for that mischievous thought)
You don’t get “momentum” from one win two weeks ago.