John McCormick writes: Ken Gambles posed an interesting problem on Thursday. How do we rate refereeing? More explicitly, How do we rate refereeing in League One?
A few of our readers liked his idea and the 10 point scale he suggested so we’ve decided to give it a go.
You’ll find a poll below. All you need do is pick the description which you think best fits today’s ref.
Scores will be collated and reported from time to time – We’re not sure how, yet, but it will be on the lines of a monthly leaderboard and then an end of season summary.
We’ve also decided to make the ratings visible as they are entered. This has led to problems in the past because flaws in the poll coding, which we can’t change, mean a lot of modern browsers and operating systems ignore the block on multiple voting.
We don’t think anyone will abuse this flaw but if you want to enter multiple votes, (like the Coventry Ninjas did) you can. We won’t try stop you, but we will wonder what kind of saddo you are if you’re not the ref or one of his family. (And even then we’ll wonder why you’d bother).
And if you want to add a comment that would be great, as would letting us know if you’re an away supporter or a neutral fan. Anyone posting for the first time will find their comment is held for moderation but we get there eventually.
Supporters of both clubs can enter, and we’d prefer it if people who hadn’t seen the whole game didn’t vote, given that thirty seconds of EFL transmission on Quest TV hardly allows a judgement. The poll will be up for a day or two, which should give you time to get back from the game, calm down, have a beer, have a wee, calm down a bit more, take a deep breath and make sure you really have calmed down before you give us your cool, honest, objective appraisal. Or maybe it won’t:
Here’s the poll:
[polldaddy poll=10179569]
Just back after 4 hour drive each way. Glad I went, wish I hadn’t bothered with the thermals though.
Thought the ref was OK. Better than last week’s by a mile.
PS anyone know why Loovens wasn’t on the bench again? He wasn’t there on Tuesday either but haven’t seen why.
Realistically it’s probably for home games where there will be a response to the refereeing. But we’ll wait and see. I went last week but didn’t fancy another 13 hours of travelling.