Salut! Sunderland’s headlong rush to bankruptcy leads to another outing for the win-a-mug feature, Guess the Score.
Be the first to post the correct final score on SAFC v Reading FC and you win. If you are right, but your comment was delayed for moderation, don’t worry. Time of receipt will be clear behind the scenes and will be honoured. If the winner supports Reading, I will amend the mug design accordingly.
While we’re on about Reading, let us offer a warm welcome back the Premier. Salut!’s Week included an excellent set of answers in the Who Are You? questionnaire from Roger Titford, a prominent supporters of the Biscuitmen (a nickname he greatly prefers to the Royals).
See the interview by clicking here. I loved this exchange among others:
Salut! Sunderland:
Do we have any players you’d love to see in Reading colours?
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Click here for the Martin O’Neill ‘Team of all Talents’ mug: £9.50, post-free for UK buyers, from the Salut! Sunderland Shop
And this one.
In what sort of mood for the snarling, money-grubbing face of football have the Olympics left you?
It’s all been a bit Diana, hasn’t it? Hopefully it’ll fade away soon and let the main attraction come back to the fore in a few weeks. Football is such a great spectator sport fortunately. Who wants to go and see Rebecca Adlington swim 100 metres 40 times a year? But football definitely could do with less of a John Terry snarl and more of a Jess Ennis smile.
But it has been a busy week on other fronts:
* Pete Sixsmith took heart from a spirited and disciplined, if unadventurous, draw at Arsenal. Lars Knutsen added his own thoughts on the match
* Robert Simmons offered SAFC advice on how more Americans might support the Lads, as he does.
* Monsieur Salut responded with his own set of rules on the rights and wrongs of choosing to support a particular football club (inspiring the brilliant riposte from Sobs that he didn’t choose Sunderland, they chose him)
* John McCormick put on his historian’s hat again with a fascinating look at the origins of football in Sunderland around the country
But as is the new style, I have not littered that rundown with links. Just follow the link below and have a proper look at anything that takes your fancy …
Most definitiely not a highlight of the week, the site crashed for a few hours overnight on Wed/Thurs. The message “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded” appeared. Since M Salut could almost have inspired the Private Eye slogan “p***ed old hack baffled by new technology”, it might as well have been written in classical Greek.
Ha’way the Lads versus Reading …
Phil and others. as you’d imagine, all bets off. We will return to the subject when the game finally takes place.
What happens now?
Game postponed!!
Are predictions carried forward, or will we need to exercise our brain cells again?
Adam Johnson introduced to the crowd, Steven Fletcher to make his debut off the bench, first home game of the season, huge anticipation…why do I think it will go tits up? 0-1 to Reading (please be wrong).
Well it went tits up Eric, but not in the way you imagined!
3-1 to us.
2-0 to the lads.
2-1 to SAFC