In his post match e-mail the manager concentrates on the second half, finding plenty to admire in his nine man team. What he thinks of the first forty five minutes and the actions of the missing two he doesn’t say. I’m pretty sure he’s thinking the same as the rest of us but unlike the previous incumbent it looks like he plans to keep his criticisms in house. Over to you Senor Poyet…
Dear Colin,
It’s very difficult to analyse [the second] 45 minutes but I would say that tactically it’s the best 45 minutes we’ve played this season by far.
I had to make tough decisions at half time and I needed the players to understand what I needed from them. They reacted superbly, it was an unenviable task.
They needed to do something different and respond and they were outstanding.
When you play like that you’re always going to create a chance or two – and what a chance we created.
On another day maybe we would have left the stadium with a point.
The things that we did with only nine men on the pitch were incredible – there was an unbelievable level on concentration from the players, as well as belief.
We had the right mentality – sure, you need to run around, but you need to believe. If you are weak mentally that’s when you concede.
Three weeks ago we were weak and we collapsed. Maybe you can’t compare the two games, but today I am a proud man.
All the best,
Guy Poyet
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Fancy leaving a comment? Not sure what you have to say fits this post? Go to the new feature – – and say it there.
Not me mate and anyhow, what smog induced nonsense have I talked. All I did was jog your memory that we kicked the Mackems arses last year on your own ground and counted up the old mugs that we’ve got rid of and you’ve got rid of and who had the most. Oh aye and I remarked on how quiet you got after that. Sad cases alright lol
Don’t get to excited about beating us last year Smoggie, it’s not an exclusive club you’ve joined.
In fact its the fastest growing 2013 club in the league, with at least one new member each week.
CSB I think that’s because there are some sad cases coming on here recently just giving a thumbs down to every comment other than their own smog induced nonsense.
He has to be positive and in the grand scheme of things had we kept 11 men on the field we would probably have gotten something from this game. To play over half a game with 9 men and lose 1-0 is not shameful.
We need to get some points on the board and quick. If it doesn’t happen in the next 3-4 games then we are likely to be relegated as we will be completely adrift by Christmas. I’m not prepared to throw the towel in just yet. Poyet is really under pressure but he knew what he was taking on 3 weeks ago. The reality might just be biting now of course.
Di Fanti has a hell of a lot to answer for and I’m astonished that he’s still in a job to tell the truth. Terrible judgement on both talent and character in so many of these signings.
Can’t understand why anybody would give you thumbs down for this comment Jeremy!
Unless De Fanti is a Salut reader!
De Fanti seems to have escaped Scott free from criticism . I’ve heard he is the son of an old friend of Shorts. That may be rubbish but what isn’t in doubt is that he’s only footballing credentials are that he is a former agent . A conflict of interests and totally unqualified to be a director of football .
@ Drummer
Is this a new trend, because a very similar situation seems to have arisen at Cardiff?
I agree, I was going to make the Cardiff comparison , but with De Fanti being an agent , on paper at least its a step up from the works experience kid who was painting the walls. Then again is it?
Clubs now seem to be run either as vanity projects where the owners want glory at any price (sadly not us!) or they’re run along a business model. Decisions are being taken for business reasons – success on the pitch only exists as a means to an end. Presumably this is why de Fanti was brought in.
Totally agree Jeremy. If you were to equate him to a buyer in business – which in reality he is – he’d of been out on his ear long ago. He has clearly got connections!
I can see why he has to stay positive, he has to continue to believe that he can extract us from this mess….but those of us, and it must most bearing in mind our recent history, that have seen this all before can recognise that we are in maybe too deep this time.
The malaise hanging over the Club is palpable, yesterdays idiotic actions are just another manifestation of the complete and continuing unprofessional behaviour, actions and attitudes of the squad, not all but a good few.
This set of players, the first team, old guard call them what you like are not capable of delivering on the pitch, they have no consistency and are unable of sustaining any kind of push. The problems that were there for all to see two seasons ago still persist, an unimaginative midfield, bereft of idea or much skill, an ageing defence bereft of pace or the ability to pass a ball and a starved attack that gets pitiful service.
We are simply not good enough to be in this division and the worry and false dawns form the previous three seasons are coming home to roost. This is not Poyet’s fault but the complete shambles he has inherited. He has to go for an overhaul of the current first eleven and shelve the shirkers, get young blood in as they can’t do any worse than this shower.
Positives in defeat don’t help you stop up . In typical Sunderland style last weeks euphoria has being thrown away. Isn’t it always like this? This game seemed to be pivitiol to me, win, build the momentum and we have a strong chance of surviving . What happens , they spontaneously self combust and quite properly condem us to the championship . If we stop up by the skin of our teeth expect worse next season . How’s that for positives in defeat Gus?
Not a lot of pride in 2 Red Cards. Some pride in the 9 man attempt.
Maybe we should try a 9 man team every week.