Portsmouth then Sunderland, Ipswich, Rotherham, Peterborough and Coventry top our poll. But where are Lincoln?

On Friday we had over 3,000 visitors, followed by a quiet weekend. Not everyone took part in our top six poll  but over 1200 votes (not voters) have now been cast. That’s not bad, I suppose, for a League One fans’ site but I am expecting a few more will chip in before the season kicks off.

Early results suggest the headline I used then – for which I visited a couple of betting sites to find the promotion favourites – was on the right lines. Of the six clubs I named five are in the top spots. Lincoln (currently lingering in 8th place) are the exception with Sunderland, unsurprisingly, replacing them. There’s a gap – slight but quite evident – between the top three and the next three,  after which numbers drop off, so Lincoln and Doncaster, who made last season’s playoffs and now lie seventh, have quite a bit of ground to make up.

All of the clubs in the League received votes, which I’m taking to signify that we  managed a wide reach. It will be interesting to see if enough fans of so-called smaller clubs, which are predominantly towards the bottom of the poll, visit in large enough numbers to move their favourites upwards. Crowdwise, numbers are against them but we have only small numbers voting so you never know.

If you haven’t already done so there’s still time to let us know who you think will make the playoffs or better.  Just choose your six (or fewer) choices from the list below. Unfortunately, I can’t make the results available in real time just yet, although I might do later in the month when patterns and voting are more firmly established.

[polldaddy poll=10356962] Results to Date:

If you want to get an idea of what’s going on you can visit last Friday’s post; these links  from last season might also  help:

The bookies say Sunderland, Barnsley, Charlton, Portsmouth, Luton and Scunthorpe. What about you?

Coventry hanging on to Doncaster and Charlton as Portsmouth chase Barnsley, Sunderland and Luton.

Luton then Barnsley, Sunderland, Portsmouth, Charlton and Doncaster? Who knows?

There are other links in the series as I revisited it at times throughout the season – most often when there was downtime in the fixtures. To find them all you can follow the generic dodgy numbers link:

McCormick’s Dodgy Numbers

That link will also take you to my most recent close-season rambles, which take a look at the finances and situations of our League One rivals – with the exception of Bolton Wanderers and Bury, where things are vey much in progress, and Sunderland, where they aren’t. I will finish that series at some point, hopefully before the season starts.

McCormick’s Dodgy Numbers. The arithmetic’s correct, it’s just the rest could be a bit wonky
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